Myths about pain:

  1. Where it hurts is "always" where it is injured. WRONG -- see dermatomes
  2. If you cannot feel the injury, everything is fine! WRONG -- see prolonged spasms
  3. Soft tissue can heal when it is being stretched and extended. WRONG -- see real healing.


The wong way medical method tm treats much of the unexplained chronic pain as a failure that the injury site is not properly identified. Once the injury site is identified (correctly) -  treating it becomes a straightforward medical process.

 If you visit many of the web sites devoted to pain you will observe more emphasis is placed on pain therapies than in the diagnoses. The prevailing idea is if pain continues then it may psychosomatic or neurological. Where long-term or unexplained pains cannot be located such as headaches back pain are some joint pains- the only remaining treatment is “acceptance” and a lifetime of pharmaceutical preparations to block your sensation of the pain even though medically that pain persists in your body and is causing all the effects that pain or design and the cause in your body.


Copyright by wong way tm corporation, august 2007