Copyright by wong way corporation, August 2007


wong way tm  .......its as easy 1,2,3

Our patented process delivers natural healing and is not drug dependant!

Click To Learn More About Each Step...


Find the target point.

Diagnose the true injury.

Palpate area to find edema.


Treat the target point!

Restore homeostasis. Treat the injury with our therapeutic laser. It....

a) relieves pain,

b) stimulates circulation,

c) accelerates healing,

d) and exhausts edema.


Immobilize the target point!

Hold it still and let it heal.


Let soft tissue weave its fiber back the way it was before the injury.

...ending pain without drugs!

The wong way tm medical method is not PAIN MANAGEMENT.

It is an entirely new message, based on the most enlightened physiological determinates.

Only too often, the source of injuries are not properly located. Often injuries at the spine are referred (experienced) at other parts of the body. Many remedies are applied to the trigger point (a location on the arms or legs) and not the target point (a location on the spine). Once the tissue is at a state of homeostasis, it must be immobilized so the tissue can knit back together. Too often, the tissue is not immobilized and the tissue is not constant agony